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Relaxed reflections in a pub of the Czech Republic

Last night I spent a pleasant evening (as always for that matter) in one of my favorite hospoda (pub) in Slany, and with my friends of the Czech Republic. We have talked a lot about the origin of the names, surnames and přezdívka (nicknames, in...


Ahhhhhhhhhhhoj!  Well well well. Yesterday it was the french evening, u know. Actually I didnt expect this number of people (even if it was not a hudge number). And actually number 2, I am shy in front of this kind of number of people. Acutally...

The new year: hopes and expectations of a volunteer EVS

My last month in the Czech Republic it was the most intense since the beginning of my project.  I’ve chose to spend the Christmas holidays in the Czech Republic, in order to deepen my knowledge of the customs and traditions typical of this country. My...

The grieving France

  01/07/2015 - Bad day for France today.  This morning, a massacre happend at Charlie Hebdo's office. Charlie Hebdo is a French satirical weekly newspaper, featuring cartoons, reports, polemics and jokes. Everybody loves Charlie. More than 10 persons were killed, journalists, drawers, policemen.. Some of those...


When I arrived in Czech Republic for my EVS, I had to participate in an on-arrival training. It is a kind of seminary for the volunteers. Let's talk about this FANTASTICAL week. I spent my week in a city called Litomysl (more or less...

Gianni, a Sardinian in Czech Republic

This article was written by Petra Sýkorová, volounteer of ICM Kladno, during the workshop "napis to!" in ICM Slaný between 24- 26/10/2014. The photos of this event are taken by me, and is possible to see them using this link https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.722190751191190.1073741852.255320041211599&type=3 .     Gianni, aneb Sardiňanem v Čechách (Gianni, a Sardinian in Czech...


Ok, so let's write something about me and my arrival in Slaný! I am Candice, I am nineteen and I arrive here, in Czech Republic one month ago. I am doing an EVS at ICM during one year. Why Czech Republic? Well, I didn't choose...

The autumn and the birth of the nation

These weeks have been particularly intense, perhaps because I started my first studies of the Czech language, but in any case I’ve been the opportunity to visit other cities in this wonderful country. So much time and so many reflections (mature especially on long trips...


I passed the way back from a year of volunteering abroad, over 7 mountains and 7 seas, where my country was! I couldn't keep me patient during the flight, looking forward to see my friends. I was watching the world and countries passing beneath me...