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  • Vše
  • This is my blog! Candice
  • This is my blog! Cristina
  • This is my blog! Diego
  • This is my blog! Dóra
  • This is my blog! Gian
  • This is my blog! Giulio
  • This is my blog! Irene
  • This is my blog! Levon
  • This is my blog! Melike
  • This is my blog! Nshteh
  • This is my blog! Polina
  • This is my blog! Santi
  • Tohle je můj blog! Zuzana
Fun Fun Fun!!

Hello again:) If you read my blog last week you will know that I failed to make bracelets for the girls at the library but guess what? We finally managed!! Tada..                                                                                                             We also played a lot of board games with the kids; helped them with their...

Don’t worry grandma!

Whenever I call my grandmother on the phone, she cries and asks “Where have you been?” or “Why don’t you call me?” She always misses and worries about me. She is sensitive and can’t help it! Now there is a new one: “Why did you...

A New Experience Pt. 2!

Dobrý den! Today it's a rainy day and is 4 °C which is quite good, last week it was like -16 but I really prefer it when it snows. Slowly, slowly I'm starting to get used to the cold but some days I feel like I...

Dobrý den, z Turecka

Herkese merhaba! It means "Hello everyone" in Turkish. You'd better get used to Turkish. Cause sometimes when I talk with the friends in here, I just speak in Turkish. SORRY. But they can't understand me at all, except Polina. :) I have been in Czech Republic...

A new experience!

Ahoj! I hope in a few months time I will be able to write my blog in Czech but for now it seems impossible. So this is my second week in Czech Republic and I think I'm starting not to only get used to it...

Broke but happy

  It’s been a long time since I wrote something for ICM. My apology. Let’s say I’ve got a lot to do. A lot to think…Well, I still have but I’m trying to overcome that. You know, it’s really nice to spend time abroad but the...


Tak dneska je to přesně týden po pařížských atentátech.  Nejdřív jsem k tomu nic moc psát nechtěla...

Having a good time!

30.10. 2015 Do you want to read some news from me? English? Well, you’re lucky! Here you are! So far I’m having a good time…la, la, la…Those last two weekends children were having holidays and we were preparing some workshops and activities for them. It’s really...


30 KURIOZIT: 1) Španělé si nevykají. Nikdy a nikde. Ale existují výjimky jako např. když mluví někdo extrémně mladý s někým extrémně starým. 2) Odpolední siesta mě pořád dostává… Prostě od 2 do 5 všechno zavřený, Španělé si chodí na oběd a schrupnout domů. 3) Líbání a objímání...


Jako vždycky jsem měla určitý očekávání, protože to neměl být ani training course ani exchange ale seminář, což jsem si vyložila jako napůl pracovní a napůl hrací pobyt. A měla jsem pravdu. První den byl trochu krutej, protože jsme letěli do Milána, tam nasedli na...