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  • This is my blog! Giulio
  • This is my blog! Irene
  • This is my blog! Levon
  • This is my blog! Melike
  • This is my blog! Nshteh
  • This is my blog! Polina
  • This is my blog! Santi
  • Tohle je můj blog! Zuzana
4 months already?!

Hello again.I can say that April has been such an active month. We went for a week to Olšina, Hodnov for the arrival training where we had the chance to learn useful information about our project and also meet some great people!! We became friends...

On-Arrival Training & Turkish Night

EVS volunteers receive different trainings during their project: on-arrival training, midterm training and final evaluation. The main objective of the on-arrival training is to introduce the volunteers to the host country, preparing them for the service period and the EVS experience. From 1st to 6th of...

71 days..

Hello again:) The past few days we had apartment reconstructions taking place. There was something wrong with the bathroom pipes so they had to change everything but after four days of hard work they were able to finish and now our bathroom looks better than ever!           ...

20 divných/otravných/stereotypních věcí o Francii/Paříži

Už nějakou dobu žiju v pouštní oblasti země nikoho mezi Paříží a Versailles. Eiffelovku vídám častěji než je zdrávo a to samé platí i o lidech, vykonávajících svoji potřebu v metru. Paříž, má krásná Paříž…s kýčovitými uličkami, s umělci v baretech a v barvou umazaných lakýrkách. Nádherné město, kde...

How the time passed

I went for a little trip to Berlin last week. The city has amazing strories; the wartime history and the museums with their artifacts dating back thousands of years. Then there is the impressive modern vibrant, multicultural culture of art, music that influences from around...

Rethinking an extraordinary experience

My voluntary work experience at the association ICM Slany' has given me so much in human and professional terms. I improved my ability to interact with people and boosted my language skills in two European languages. I believe that the EVS program is an extraordinary...

Truthfulness, compassion, forbearance

Hi the world, I usually write about my trips, experiences or problems I have here in France during my EVS but not today. Well, at least it´s not the article I normally write. It´s not sarcastic, it´s not ironic, it´s not for you to understand my...

Being on the road

Have you ever visited Narodni Galerie? We did! The National Gallery celebrated its 220th anniversary (This makes it one of the oldest public art collections in the world) by admission free days from the 5th to the 7th of February. Its seven venues welcomed 30,000 visitors...