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  • Vše
  • This is my blog! Candice
  • This is my blog! Cristina
  • This is my blog! Diego
  • This is my blog! Dóra
  • This is my blog! Gian
  • This is my blog! Giulio
  • This is my blog! Irene
  • This is my blog! Levon
  • This is my blog! Melike
  • This is my blog! Nshteh
  • This is my blog! Polina
  • This is my blog! Santi
  • Tohle je můj blog! Zuzana
Saying goodbye is never easy

Two years ago if someone had told me that one day I would live in Czech Republic, I definitely wouldn’t have believed them. Well, at least not the “rest of my life” part...

And it’s snowing again…

*We are writing our blogs in English but today there will be some Czech words here and there :p Počasí je stelný jako I first arrived v České Republice. It's freezing. Včera was the first snowy den v roce (nebo roku?! Já nevím! Cases are still a...

The dead end street of VISA

With cooler temperatures rolling in, saying goodbye to summer and hello to fall was a hard thing to do! Now all the leaves are changed into multi-colored works of art and falling away with cold winds… Fall has never been my favorite season, but here...

Colours of Ostrava <3

We just got back from Colours of Ostrava! What an experience!The place was amazing dark and beautiful the perfect combination!  It was my first time in Ostrava and I must say I liked that city a lot and also the people there; were more friendly...

Birthday party :)

Ahoj! Time really frigging flies. In my head I’m still 24 years old then all of a sudden yesterday I wake up and I’m 29! Thankfully we celebrated it like my 6th birthday with a tasty Medovnik cake (which is my favorite food in CR so far), fancy...

Plavba do Bruselu a zpět

V Paříži chčije. Hodně. Seina se vylila z břehů už před třemi dny a holinky jsou vyprodané na týden dopředu. Pařížané nepropadají panice…zůstávájí doma a baví se obrázky na Facebooku. Do práce? Hahaha, dobrej vtip. Do práce tu chodim snad už jenom já. Stávkují dopravci,...

The EVS Bus Tour!

European Voluntary Service (EVS) celebrates its 20th anniversary of giving young people the opportunity to volunteer abroad. This is a great time to highlight the successes of EVS projects and participants with events taking place across Europe. Many countries are holding events to celebrate the...

Summer is just around the corner..

Summer is just around the corner it’s finally warmer but Czech weather is soo unpredictable. It can be 25 degrees and sunny and after an hour stormy and windy and if you forgot your umbrella then you might have a problem. My cousin is coming in...

Travel inspirations

I totally understand why Turkish people love Berlin, especially the ones from Istanbul… I have a crazy idea! First, let me tell you… Water divided Istanbul into two sections of continents, Asia and Europe. Billions of people are traveling from one continent to other every day....