ICM Slaný je hostitelskou i vysílající organizací! Máte-li zájem v rámci EDS vycestovat, kontaktujte nás a zjistěte podrobnosti nebo mrkněte na web www.mladezvakci.cz. A pro inspiraci sledujte blogy našich dobrovolníků.

  • Vše
  • This is my blog! Candice
  • This is my blog! Cristina
  • This is my blog! Diego
  • This is my blog! Dóra
  • This is my blog! Gian
  • This is my blog! Giulio
  • This is my blog! Irene
  • This is my blog! Levon
  • This is my blog! Melike
  • This is my blog! Nshteh
  • This is my blog! Polina
  • This is my blog! Santi
  • Tohle je můj blog! Zuzana
Irene’s first experiences in Czechia

Hi everybody my name is Irene and I’m Italian so if you would enjoy a good coffee or marvelous pizza you are welcome at ICM Slany! I’m 19 years old and I’ve just arrived here in Slany: why? Are you probably asking yourself.. well I...


  Well, why did I came to the Czech Republic and to Slaný to be exact to be an EVS volunteer? I still don't know exactly. On my pro-con list there were several reasons written down. The country feels familiar and cozy, the people and the...

Diego o jeho On-Arrival setkání v Ostravici

EVS, European volunteer service. It can be just letters for you, EVS, that's it, but no, EVS is the answer to many questions, it's the way to meet new people and to spread the different cultures that we have around the world, EVS is the hapiness...

What Is Islam? Farhad help us to discover that

Because not everyone is similar, because we must not confuse Islam with terrorism, because we do not have the right to blame the people for the act of others, because everything is about respect and tolerance, Terrorist, not the muslims, have a nice week friends...

The Czech children

THE CZECH CHILDREN Here I am, again with you, to tell my Czech Histories and to share my feelings with you, dear friends, this week I was thinking about to write something about nature or Spain, but something happened to me this weekend, and I changed...


THINGS I DISCOVERED IN CZECH REPUBLIC. Just a few days after coming here to start my EVS I realize that this isn´t like my country, I am from Spain, where in summer there is a lot of Sun, hot etc...


STEP 1, WHERE AM I? WHY DID I COME HERE? I woke up in a strange place july 1st, I got up and started to recognize every thing that surrounded me...

All good things come to an end..

A year has passed but it feels like yesterday. I still remember the day I arrived at the airport feeling excited and scared, I quit my job back in Cyprus, I left everything behind and here I was in a country I didn't know much...