ICM Slaný je hostitelskou i vysílající organizací! Máte-li zájem v rámci EDS vycestovat, kontaktujte nás a zjistěte podrobnosti nebo mrkněte na web www.mladezvakci.cz. A pro inspiraci sledujte blogy našich dobrovolníků.

  • Vše
  • This is my blog! Candice
  • This is my blog! Cristina
  • This is my blog! Diego
  • This is my blog! Dóra
  • This is my blog! Gian
  • This is my blog! Giulio
  • This is my blog! Irene
  • This is my blog! Levon
  • This is my blog! Melike
  • This is my blog! Nshteh
  • This is my blog! Polina
  • This is my blog! Santi
  • Tohle je můj blog! Zuzana
EVS training, a good start

Last week, a group of boys and girls from all over Europe who have chosen an EVS project in the Czech Republic, met in Horny Lucany, near Jablonec nad Nisou for their training course in preparation for their respective projects. They were intense...

Welcome post!

Hi people! I’m Gian Nicola Marras, but is most simple directly call me Gianni!  I’m a volunteer from Sardinia. I work at ICM Slany, youth information centre.  I came to Czech Republic two days ago, and this is my first post in the site. It’s...

on the road again

So here I am! Nearly ending my EVS. Evaluating. Contradictory feelings! Feels like leaving home to return to home. Don't want to go, but missing badly. Going back to my city! Going to have another cultural shock there. Life looks like repeating! Right a year ago...

the beginning of autumn

... and where should I start from? :) Well, from 16th to 27th of July ICM Slany has a youth exchange programm near Liberec, the 5th biggest city of Czech Republic! More details about the exchange you can find in Cristina's blog, I'll just present...

The Head And The Heart

    I think everybody couldn't agree more if I say that packing is one of the biggest pains in the ass anyone has to suffer at some point of her or his life. Very often, when you're moving to a new place, it's more pleasant;...

Journal.FHWK: Last episode.

   Well, it' s time to remember our last hours of the exchange. Friday started with kind of s****y weather, although later was pretty good. The same path had my mood. I don't know if Etna's superpowers include weather control or it's the weather which...

Journal. FHWN: Episode VII.

   Today I have to talk you about Monday and Tuesday. And I will start with Monday because I want to finish that in a quick and painless way. It was Prague-day-trip. And let´s say it was hard because the weather was so hot and...

Journal. FHWN: Episode VI. The return of the Jedi.

   Jedi is back. Hello. Today I have lots of things to tell you because yesterday I skipped writing here. So, actually the day before yesterday was kind of intense and sad for me at the same time. I couldn´t go to the stretching workshop...

Journal. FHWN: Episode V.

   I don´t know if the empire strikes. Whatever that means. What I know is that today I didn´t wake up early to run and now I have a mood like s**t. Maybe that was the reason I was doing it, like a sign from...