This is my blog! Cristina

Czech Course

   I had an intensive Czech language course during two weeks in October. It took place in Prague so I had to go and come back from Slaný every day, what made me feel so tired most of the days.    But apart from that,...

On-arrival training

Two days after saying goodbye to Swedish and Czech people, I went to Horní Maršov to participate in my on-arrival training for EVS volunteers.    What did I do there? Well, I’m not in the mood for writing, so I’ll be succint today.    We...

Back To Roots For Common Future (III)

The countdown had begun. We were using the last days to prepare the parade that was taking place the last Friday of the exchange. The plan was thought to make something together, to make a union between Czech and Swedish roots and create something new...

Back To Roots For Common Future (II)

   The next days were crazy. All the participants had to figure out how to communicate without words or without understanding the language of the others. This kind of situations were led by teather and improvisation workshops, wich were really funny to see and to...

My first three days (part II)

That message in the fortune cookie was full of great expectations. Especially if you consider that I was doing nothing but meet new people every minute in Slaný. In fact, few hours later, there was a meeting with a lot of new people at ICM’s....

My first three days. (Part I)

I arrived on Sunday 22nd of September. For me it was a hard day because the week before it was kind of stressing too. I only had seven days to arrange everything before arriving to Slaný. Burocrazy things, luggage (this is really funny when you...

Hello everybody!

My name is Cristina, I’m from Spain and I am a EVS volunteer here, in Slaný, Czech Republic till next September.   I arrived exactly 29 days ago. I am kind of late writing this to you all now, but I have a very good...

This is my blog! Cristina

Cristina je naše nová kolegyně. Do Slaného přijela od španělského Alicante. Bude s námi rok pracovat v ICM a potkat jí můžete i v Knihovně Václava Štecha. Co se jí tady líbí? Co jí baví? Co jí štve a trápí? Jaký je její pohled na...