This is my blog! Cristina

Welcome Back To Myself

Ahoj!    I've been travelling around two weeks and I'm back. I would like to say that I've been missing Slaný so much, but despite I was so lazy thinking about going here and there with a big bag on my back, now I'm feeling...

Here Again

Ahoj!    It’s been a long time since I wrote. I don’t even wanna check the date of my last post here. But today I’m here and that’s what counts!    Well, after few weeks without writing in the blog you can guess that I...

Six months here

   Last Saturday  I just reached my sixth month of my volunteering service. And how fast. And when time goes by so fast is because you're enjoying it. Enjoying doesn't mean perfection, but it's close to it.    Before arriving here I had some hopes....

English Club

   Next Thursday English Club is starting, and it's time to remind you that it'll take place at 17:OO h at ICM. It's the right moment too to give you more information about how is going to be.   As the first day, it'll be mostly...


   Finally (maybe I should write the word in capital letters) I finished the documentary about the exchange that took place in Slaný in September. I won't win any Oscar, but I did my best. And now, pay attention. There will be a première at...


Hi everybody :)   Next Thursday 13th of February, at 18:00 h we will watch a Spanish movie at ICM (somehow I had in my mind that 13th was Wednesday instead of Thursday, so sorry for being a mess :D ). It's called "Volver" and it's...

Sneak Peek

   After a long time without writing a word, finally I'm here. I've been struggling with the editing video program to make the documentary about the exchange "Back To Roots For Common Future". I had to learn pretty damn quickly how to use it and...

Spanish Evening

   It has been two months and a half now, but I still remember my first project at ICM.  It was the Spanish Evening –hard to guess with the title of the post-.    It took place the 23th of October and I started to...

My new year’s resolution

   Yes. I told you that the next post –this one- will be about the “Spanish Evening”. Well, as you can see, it is not.    So, yes. The year has changed. Hot news. Nobody have noticed that. Or  maybe there is someone with a...

Czech Course

   I had an intensive Czech language course during two weeks in October. It took place in Prague so I had to go and come back from Slaný every day, what made me feel so tired most of the days.    But apart from that,...