09 Úno Fun Fun Fun!!
Hello again:)
If you read my blog last week you will know that I failed to make bracelets for the girls at the library but guess what? We finally managed!! Tada..
We also played a lot of board games with the kids; helped them with their English homework and we learned new Czech phrases… Being with the kids at the library is so much fun.
Prague!! Moje krásná Praha!! It seems like everything is magical about that city. I know that is not always rainbows and butterflies it’s a big city so it can’t always be like that..For instance you can see a lot of homeless people is something that I haven’t got used to it yet and i don’t think I ever will it makes me so sad but unfortunately in big cities it’s something you will have to experience . Other than that Prague seems like the perfect city for me.
We went to Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design exhibition and there were a lot of interesting things to see and discuss. I will share some pictures with you.
I also went to a party last week at a club in Prague the event was perfect, the music the people, I loved everything about it. I was dancing until 6a.m. so you can imagine how I spent my following days: in bed refusing to do anything : p But it was great.. We are still young so I think a lot of parties will follow!
On February 22nd our Czech language course starts and it’s something really important for me so there will be a lot of studying for me the following weeks!!
Till next time 🙂
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