09 Čvn Welcome Back To Myself
I’ve been travelling around two weeks and I’m back. I would like to say that I’ve been missing Slaný so much, but despite I was so lazy thinking about going here and there with a big bag on my back, now I’m feeling kind of empty. Anyway, the good thing about coming back is my toilet. Probably it’s not very ellegant to say that so, but nevertheless it’s the truth. Another good thing was when yesterday I read that the European Union approved our project „From Heroes We Know to Heroes We Are“ (insert smiley face here).
Summarizing, I had a really good time, mostly because of the people (I don’t want to hide that obvious part of me: I’m such a sentimental person). Despite of my fears, my laziness, my struggle with the weather (if I took the right clothes and the proper shoes…) and my little Czech, everything was fine. Now I hope to don’t have post-holidays depression, because honestly, I’m not in the right mood to work. May the force be with me!
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