02 Kvě Here Again
It’s been a long time since I wrote. I don’t even wanna check the date of my last post here. But today I’m here and that’s what counts!
Well, after few weeks without writing in the blog you can guess that I have some things to talk about. And that’s right.
First of all, about Christian Andersen Night. It took place almost one month ago (ohmygosh, time flies!) at the library. Katka, the woman in charge of the K-Klub (kids department) offered me to take part on it and I said yes without hesitation. It was an interesting and funny night. One of the things I’ve been learning so far since I started my EVS is how generous, loving and open-minded kids are. They still amaze me every time I interact with them. So, despite Katka said that it was a hard night and the kids were noisy (I have to disagree: they are much more quiet than the ones I’ve met in the past), I had fun. Yes, well, I got some kind of flu afterwards and the next week was just bed-drugs-and-not-rock-and-roll-at-all, but definitely it was worth! I made a little video about that event. It took me long time to do it (I still have some aversion to the video editor) and I cannot show you everything we did, but at least it’s better than nothing (or I prefer to think that so…!).
Another point to write about is the team-building trip we made to the south of the country. We were at Jindřichův Hradec and Strmilov. We had a really nice accommodation and I practised my Czech skills breaking logs and branchs to set a fire. The trip was a success for everyone but me. It was dissapointing due to the fact that it was impossible for me to accomplish the aim of the trip itself, but well, hopefully the next team-building trip will be much better. And well, those days made me feel really homesick, missing my hometown, my friends and the perfect weather we have there (the weather: a conversation topic what has been all the time in my mouth unexpectedly for the last two months now).
After that, I could recover my good mood thanks to Easter. I spent a couple of days with Zuzska and her family baking Czech Easter sweets and painting hipster eggs (and yes, also being wipped with pomlázka –weird tradition, if someone is wondering what I think about it… But I cannot judge so loud with the ones we have in Spain). I had really good time and I discovered as well that Spanish and Czech people share the sweet bread like an Easter-sweet-thing and my homesickness became smaller. Little things that make your day (so they aren’t so little after all).
And to finish today (it’s getting so long this post), I would like to talk you about „STUDIO MLUV“. It’s a somehow-theatre-project that will take place in ICM every Tuesday (Úterý) at 16:00 h, and the aim is to get rid of our fears in public speeches and to make some funny theatre activities. So you are welcome. You better come, I’m looking forward!!
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