17 Úno English Club
Next Thursday English Club is starting, and it’s time to remind you that it’ll take place at 17:OO h at ICM. It’s the right moment too to give you more information about how is going to be.
As the first day, it’ll be mostly and introduction about what we are going to do there. I can tell you in advanced that I would really like to have engaged people. Despite it’s supposed to be a club for people about 15 years old and above, I should say that it’s more specifically for people with and intermediate level of English or more. So, everybody under 15 with a good level of the language is welcomed. And for those older than 15 but with less level of English I have to say you are invited too 🙂 . But you must be aware about the fact that you will have to have a passive role likely, because it will be mostly for practicing and improving conversational skills, so it will be up to you if you come or not.
Like I said on the line before, we will practice speaking skills, but also we’ll play some games and watch films or TV shows that will help you to improve your English, but far away of English lessons…
That’s all for now. Looking forward to see you next Thursday. Let’s enjoy this sunny and warm winter day 🙂
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