26 Lis Santi’s 1st months in Czech Republic
Arriving, feeling Czech Republic
Everything was fast. I closed my eyes, and before I had conscience, I opened them and I had
my feet on Czech Republic’s ground. It was a nice day, the soft sun was greeting me. The wind
was kind too, pushing me into this new adventure. Unexpected, far away from all conformed
life in Valencia, I escaped, finding a new me here.
And there I was, looking at the new lands in front of me. Smoking a cigarette in front of airport’s
gate two. Observing planes arriving, others leaving. People from all nationalities walking in a
hurry, taking buses to Prague, going inside the airport, speaking fast. Only with one luggage, I
was standing there, so calm, as in a parallel reality. Impatient for those new experiences,
which were waiting me.
Almost two months after, I’m writing, remembering those first moments, in which I didn’t
expect to find so many things as I’ve found. My destiny was Slaný, a small bohemian town near
Prague, where I will cooperate for one year in a volunteer Project, with the organisation
Ostrov, department ICM. I found out about the project in Alzira, Valencia. Places, which now are so far away from my mind… Sometimes, almost forgotten. It’s curious, to think how the atmospheres are
continously evolving and changing someone, giving so many new perspectives in the path of
life. I was very open to discover, to enjoy all of them.
Our coordinators brought us, that day in Prague’s airport, to Slaný. They prepared us a sweet
warm welcome. Having dinner and telling about each other. I was happy. I had heared Czech
people was closer, more introspective. But they, Markéta and Širín, were amazing, and I felt
super comfortable with it. Now, they are responsible to feel me so open and free here. During
this time, we’ve developed a true relationship, where we are not afraid to express our feelings
deeply. And that made possible to be pure between us. Learning to share, to manage our
social activities, workshops, lessons and tasks. Helping and respecting us together. Or meeting
out of work, where Širín included us in her friends circle, getting a real confidence with us and
with our feelings. Bringing us to parties together, making easier our love for this place.
But there is other very important fact in this amazing travel. Writing about “us”, “we” before, inside of it, it’s Giulio. My dear travel partner. Someone who I didn’t know before than this
experience, but someone who, now, I am able to consider my brother. In this short but intense time, we’ve been exploring Czech Republic. Each weekend, we escaped to Praha, Pilzen, Brno…
Amazing places with different atmospheres. Visiting historical places during the day, walking dark streets in the night. We fell in love in each one. Drinking beer, feeling everyplace where
we were. Two open guys understanding distincts cultures and traditions inside of this polite,
kindly country. What more could I expect? Understanding us! being so far away from home,
together, in this beautiful experience.
Now, we’re enjoying Slaný more, town we feel home. During his foggy mornings, we wake up,
we prepare coffe, and we walk to work. When we come back, we’re reading, writing, studying
some Czech… Althought, the most part of the times, we spend our moments in the living room,
sharing music, pictures, movies… stories we remember and love.
I’m so happy finding me in this trip. Finding all this amazing people who make easier my own grown up. Despite the distance… I’m not walking alone, and it’s beautiful.
Santi 🙂
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