14 Led All good things come to an end..
A year has passed but it feels like yesterday. I still remember the day I arrived at the airport feeling excited and scared, I quit my job back in Cyprus, I left everything behind and here I was in a country I didn’t know much about.. well i knew about Prague, everyone does, even people who don’t actually know that Prague is the capital of Czech Republic or know Prague but don’t know Czech Republic.. oh yes these people exist :p or people they still refer to Czech Republic as Czechoslovakia. I guess i knew a bit more than those people but still i was not an expert :p
So here I was, 25 years old making the first change in my life. I was always so scared of changes and in my mind i was like here we go i’m going to regret this.. I should have done that earlier when I was 18 not after my university and not after i had found myself a job Is this really the time to go for EVS?! but let me tell you something I REGRET NOTHING!! It was one, if not the best year of my life!!
Being able to meet and work with such a great team. The girls who guided me through anything I needed and gave me the chance to do things i will never have done if I stayed back in Cyprus. I had the best co-workers ever we’ve done so many things together organized cultural events, went to schools to inform kids about Erasmus programmes, lead language clubs, went to the local library every week, attended events with ICM, organized movie nights, took part in hobby clubs for kids(my favourite was ceramics club with Mrs Jiřka 🙂 ),went camping with kids, organized team building activities, traveled and more..
I remember our first evaluation meeting with the girls, we were all feeling so awkward not knowing each other well and I was feeling like i couldn’t talk with them and it was all so professional and then couple of months later these girls were not just my co-workes but my best friends we would always complete our tasks but in a different way, we would talk and laugh and go out and have the best time… Is still hard to believe that my project has come to an end.. I definitely grew so much as a person this year, left a lot of insecurities behind and met great people along the way, some of them i might never see again, some of them i might just met for a day and some of them i know one way or another we will have a loot of things to share with as the time passes by.. but all these people who came across my path and meant something to me will always have a place in my heart.
All i know is that I am back to Czech Republic, although my project is finished and i guess this means something and i have no idea how long will I be here for or how things will turn out.. I was always the planning ahead type of person but not now, i guess for once i should just let go and let things come on their own 🙂
It was nice meeting you all <3 Thank you for making this journey one to remember..
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